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Man dies after suffering heart attack while jogging in Macritchie SINGAPORE – A jogger in his 50s was found lying on the ground along the MacRitchie Nature Trail near Singapore Island Country Club (SICC) on Saturday (Aug 12) morning. The Straits Times understands that he suffered from cardiac arrest and later died in hospital. A Singapore Civil Defence Force spokesman said it received a call […]
Endoscopy and Colonoscopy 结肠镜是目前检查大肠最准确的方法. 结肠镜是一条长而软的细管子,从肛门插入,沿着直肠和结肠深入肠内,到结肠的开端。 如果你有某些结肠或直肠的病症,你的医生可能会建议你做结肠镜检查。 这些病症有如排便出血,排便习惯改变,腹痛等。曾经患有肠癌或息肉的患者,或患有炎性肠病也需要定期做结肠镜复查。 Click here to read more
Colorectal cancer numbers far too high, say experts Every day, five people here are diagnosed with colorectal cancer and two die of it. These numbers are far too high, say experts, since this is one of the most preventable cancers… Click here to read more
Dr. Michael Leong on his battle with colon cancer WEDNESDAY the 15th of October 2014 started like any other day. I sent my son to school and had an appointment to do a screening colonoscopy in the morning… Click here to read more

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